Embracing Birthdays

Embracing Birthdays

It's (Almost) My Birthday!

"It's just another day", I replied to Nhat, when asked what I wanted to do to celebrate my birthday. It's the same answer every year. My birthday hasn't been a big deal to me for a long while, I shamefully take for granted that there will be another one next year. But life has a funny way of humbling me sometimes, so this year I'm choosing to celebrate

As we move through life, birthdays serve as poignant markers, reminding us of the passage of time and prompting reflection on the years gone by. In my 40s, these milestones have taken on a special significance, offering an opportunity to pause, appreciate, and celebrate the richness of my life experiences. As I navigate this stage of life, I've come to cherish slowing down and savoring each moment, finding immense joy in the simple pleasures that surround me.

I don't know what happens to women after we turn 40, but it's liberating and I love to see it. We shed societal expectations and embrace authenticity, we allow ourselves the freedom to pursue what truly brings us happiness. Personally, embracing life in my 40s has felt like a radical act of self-love. Whether it's spending quality time with my people, chasing the dopamine rush from trying a new hobby, or relishing a quiet moment of solitude, there's a profound beauty in slowing down and immersing myself fully in the present.

As I complete another trip around the sun next week, I've decided the my goal for the next year is to prioritize experiences over possessions and connections over accomplishments. I'm grateful for the friendships I've made in this community. Many of you have celebrated with me, grieved alongside me, laughed with me and have lifted me. 

The Freebie Archive

As someone who firmly believes in the power of planning and organization, I've always felt that it should be accessible to everyone, regardless of budget. That's why a few years ago, I decided to celebrate my birthday by sharing my first ever freebies, and I've been offering monthly freebies ever since! 

To celebrate, I'm bringing back some of my favorite birthday freebies from the archive and sharing them with you all until the end of May. I hope they bring a little bit of joy into your life and remind you to celebrate all the small things that make life fun! 

